Lewis Powell

Lewis Powell in the United States

Powell, Lewis F., Jr. (1907_)

United States Constitution

According to the Encyclopedia of the American Constitution, about its article titled POWELL, LEWIS F., JR. (1907_) Lewis Franklin Powell, Jr., has always eluded conventional portraiture. In broad brush, Powell appears the archetypal conservative: a successful corporate lawyer, a director of eleven major companies, a pillar of Richmond, Virginia’s civic and social life. The roll call
(read more about Constitutional law entries here).

Some Constitutional Law Popular Entries

Powell, Lewis F., JR. (1907_1998)

United States Constitution

According to the Encyclopedia of the American Constitution, about its article titled POWELL, LEWIS F., JR. (1907_1998) From his appointment in 1971 until his resignation in 1987, Lewis F. Powell, Jr. was widely known as the “swing Justice” on a closely divided Supreme Court. As the term “swing Justice” implies, Powell’s position on the Court was one of both loneliness and
(read more about Constitutional law entries here).

Some Constitutional Law Popular Entries



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