Byron White

Byron White in the United States

White, Byron R. (1917_)

United States Constitution

According to theEncyclopedia of the American Constitution, about its article titled WHITE, BYRON R. (1917_) When Byron R. White retired from the Supreme Court in 1993, the vacancy he created received more attention than his legacy. For the first time since 1967 (with the appointment of thurgood marshall) , and only the second time since his own appointment in 1962, a
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White, Byron R. (1917_)

United States Constitution

According to theEncyclopedia of the American Constitution, about its article titled WHITE, BYRON R. (1917_) In 1962 President john f. kennedy appointed Byron R. White to replace charles e. whittaker and become the ninety-third Justice to serve on the Supreme Court. White was forty-four years old and had no previous judicial experience. He had been a clerk for Chief Justice fred n.
(read more about Constitutional law entries here).

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