Tag: Legislative Terms

  • Congressional Budget Office

    Congressional Budget Office (CBO) in the United States Legislative Definition This Congressional concept is provided by the United States Congress website as a a basic reference document: The Congressional Budget Office is a legislative branch agency that produces independent analyses of […]

  • Short Title

    Short Title in the United States The words Short Title usually appear before the official name of the statute. Legislative Definition of Short Title This Congressional concept is provided by the United States Congress website as a a basic reference document: In addition to an official […]

  • National Archives And Records Administration

    National Archives and Records Administration in the United States Introduction to National Archives and Records Administration National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), independent agency of the executive branch of the United States federal government, whose purpose is to select, […]

  • Jurisdiction

    Jurisdiction in the United States The power of a court to act, including its authority to hear and decide cases. Jurisdiction defines the boundaries within which a particular court may exercise judicial power. Judicial power is specifically conveyed through the assignment of jurisdiction. The […]

  • Jurisdiction

    Jurisdiction in the United States The power of a court to act, including its authority to hear and decide cases. Jurisdiction defines the boundaries within which a particular court may exercise judicial power. Judicial power is specifically conveyed through the assignment of jurisdiction. The […]

  • Referral

    Referral in the United States Legislative Definition of Referral This Congressional concept is provided by the United States Congress website as a a basic reference document: Assignment of a measure to a committee or committees (or subcommittees) for potential consideration. Concept of […]

  • Referral

    Referral in the United States Legislative Definition of Referral This Congressional concept is provided by the United States Congress website as a a basic reference document: Assignment of a measure to a committee or committees (or subcommittees) for potential consideration. Concept of […]

  • Sponsor

    Sponsor in United States Sponsor Definition In civil law. He who intervenes for another voluntarily and without being requested. The engagement which he enters into is only accessory to the principal. See Dig. 17. 1. 18; Nov. 4. 1; Code de Comm. arts. 158, 159; Code Nap. 1236; Wolff. Inst. […]

  • Sponsor

    Sponsor in United States Sponsor Definition In civil law. He who intervenes for another voluntarily and without being requested. The engagement which he enters into is only accessory to the principal. See Dig. 17. 1. 18; Nov. 4. 1; Code de Comm. arts. 158, 159; Code Nap. 1236; Wolff. Inst. […]

  • Bicameralism

    Bicameralism in the United States U.S. Bicameralism History the Constitution immediately establishes a bicameral legislature–that is, one made up of two houses. It does so for historical, practical, and theoretical reasons. Historical: The British Parliament had consisted of two […]

  • Bicameralism

    Bicameralism in the United States U.S. Bicameralism History the Constitution immediately establishes a bicameral legislature–that is, one made up of two houses. It does so for historical, practical, and theoretical reasons. Historical: The British Parliament had consisted of two […]

  • Hopper

    Hopper in the United States Legislative Definition of HOPPER This Congressional concept is provided by the United States Congress website as a a basic reference document: A wooden box on the House floor into which measures are dropped for formal introduction. Hopper (in Politics) Related to […]

  • Veto

    Veto in the United States Veto may be defined, in the U.S. parliamentary government, the executive power, as that of the president of the United States, to abrogate a measure that has already been passed by the legislative. See veto in general and in the legal dictonary (and also bellow). […]

  • Veto

    Veto in the United States Veto may be defined, in the U.S. parliamentary government, the executive power, as that of the president of the United States, to abrogate a measure that has already been passed by the legislative. See veto in general and in the legal dictonary (and also bellow). […]

  • Treaty

    Treaty in United States Treaty Definition Treaties are agreements made and entered into by one independent state with another, in cftnformity -witli law, by which it places itself ttnder an obligation. The following are not considered treaties: (1) Agreements entered into by a state with […]