Legal Instrument Signatures

Legal Instrument Signatures in United States

Practical Information

Note: Some of this information was last updated in 1982

A (legal) instrument recites who will sign it. As a general practice, lines are typed for signatures. Type the first line of signature four spaces below the body of the instrument, beginning it slightly to the right of the center of the page. Type a line for the signature of each person who must sign the instrument. There are no special requirements for the spacing of signature lines, except that sufficient space should be allowed for the average size handwriting and the lines should be evenly spaced. Three or four spaces between lines are practical.

Frequently the descriptive identification of the parties signing is placed under the signature lines, for example, “First Party,” “Parties of the First Part,” or whatever identification was used in the instrument. When a corporation is a party to an instrument, the instrument is signed in the name of the corporation by the officer or officers authorized to execute it. The corporate seal (in U.S. law) is placed at the left margin, parallel to the signature. , )

When a partnership is a party, Since partnerships do not have officers, there will be no title under the signature line.

See also contract (in U.S. law); deed (in U.S. law); bill (in U.S. law) of Sale; WILL; affidavit (in U.S. law) ; mortgage (in U.S. law).

(Revised by Ann De Vries)

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