Citing Statutes And Codes

Citing Statutes And Codes in United States

Practical Information

Note: Some of this information was last updated in 1982

Citing Statutes and Codes

Whenever full reference to a federal statute is necessary, cite date, chapter number, statute citation, and United States Code citation, thus: Section 1 of the Act of June 13, 1934, c. 482, 48 Stat. 948, 40 U.S.C. 276 b. Compilations of state statutes and codes are cited by chapter, title, or section number. See citing compilations of statutes and codes. When citing statutes and codes observe these directions: 1. If a compilation in its preface gives the method of citing it, use that citation.

2. When the date is incorporated in the title of the compilation, show it.

3. When statutes or codes of one state

are cited outside of that state, the name of the state is always indicated for identification purposes. For example, lawyers in Kansas cite the Kansas General Statutes as “G.S.” but outside of Kansas the citation is Kan. G.S. 4. When citing an act or law that has been repealed and no longer appears in the latest compilation, give the date of the compilation cited.

(Revised by Ann De Vries)

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