
Repossession in United States

Plain-English Law

Repossession as defined by Nolo’s Encyclopedia of Everyday Law (p. 437-455):

A creditor’s taking of property that has been pledged as collateral for a loan. Lenders most often repossess cars when the buyer has missed loan payments and has not attempted to work with the lender to resolve the problem.

Repossession in State Statute Topics

Introduction to Repossession (State statute topic)

The purpose of Repossession is to provide a broad appreciation of the Repossession legal topic. Select from the list of U.S. legal topics for information (other than Repossession).

Cause of Action for Wrongful Self-Help Repossession of Personal Property: an Overview

This section examines this type of action. This subject identifies the various elements of the Cause of Action for Wrongful Self-Help Repossession of Personal Property, offering a practical approach to the litigation issues of this cause of action. See also the entry about legal risks.


Further Reading



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