Judicial Districts

Judicial Districts in the United States

Judicial districts are listed by county and city in the green pages of the Judicial Staff Directory. They are listed by county in the Federal Court Locator. (See “Cities” if you need to find out which county a city is located in.)

The Federal District Courts Demographic Table of Contents on Lexis-Nexis(LITGAT/FEDJUR) contains demographic information for the area covered by each Federal judicial district.

Judicial Districts and the State Laws

Select from the list of U.S. States below for state-specific information on Judicial Districts:


Judicial Districts in State Statute Topics

Introduction to Judicial Districts (State statute topic)

The purpose of Judicial Districts is to provide a broad appreciation of the Judicial Districts legal topic. Select from the list of U.S. legal topics for information (other than Judicial Districts).


Further Reading

See Also

United States District Courts
United States Courts, generally




