United States Constitution Bibliography

United States Constitution Bibliography

Selected Bibliography

Adler, David Gray, and Robert George, eds.

The Con- stitution and the Conduct of American Foreign Pol- icy.

Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 1996.Alley, Robert S.

Without a Prayer: Religious Expres- sion in Public Schools.

Amherst, Mass.: Pro-metheus Books, 1996.Alonso, Karen.

Korematsu v. United States: Japa- nese-American Internment Camps.

Springfield,N.J.: Enslow Press, 1998.Amar, Akhil Reed.

The Constitution and CriminalProcedure.

New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1998.Atwell, Mary Welek.

Equal Protection of the Law?Gender and Justice in the United States.

NewYork: Peter Lang, 2002.Babst, Gordon A.

Liberal Constitutionalism, Mar-riage, and Sexual Orientation.

New York: PeterLang Publishing, 2002.Bailyn, Bernard, ed.

The Debate on the Constitu- tion: Federalist and Antifederalist Speeches, Articles, and Letters during the Struggle Over Ratification.

2 vols. New York: Literary Classicsof the United States, 1993.Baker, Leonard.

Back to Back: The Dual betweenF.D.R. and the Supreme Court.

New York: Mac-millan Company, 1967.Baker, Liva.

The Justice from Beacon Hill: The Lifeand Times of Oliver Wendell Holmes.

New York:Harper Collins, 1991.———.

Felix Frankfurter.

New York: Coward-McCann, 1969.Bancroft, Frederic.

Calhoun and the South Carolina Nullification Movement.

Baltimore: Johns Hop-kins Press, 1928.Bartlett, Irving H.

Daniel Webster.

New York: Nor-ton, 1978.Baum, Lawrence.

The Supreme Court.

Washington,D.C.: CQ Press, 2000.Baxter, Maurice G.

One and Inseparable: DanielWebster and the Union.

Cambridge, Mass.: Har- vard University Press, 1984.Beard, Charles.

An Economic Interpretation of theConstitution of the United States.

New York:Macmillan, 1925.Bedau, Hugo Adam, and Paul G. Cassell, eds.

Debat- ing the Death Penalty: Should America HaveCapital Punishment? The Experts on Both SidesMake Their Best Case.

New York: Oxford Univer-sity Press, 2004.Beer, Samuel H.

To Make a Nation: The Rediscov-ery of American Federalism.

Cambridge, Mass.:Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1993.Behuniak, Susan M., and Arthur G. Svenson.

Phy- sician-Assisted Suicide: The Anatomy of a Con- stitutional Law Issue.

Lanham, Md.: Rowman &Littlefield, 2003.Berger, Raoul.

Impeachment: The ConstitutionalProblems.

Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1973.Bernstein, R. B., and J. Angel.

Amending America:If We Love the Constitution So Much, Why DoWe Keep Trying to Change It?

New York: TimesBooks, 1993.Best, Judith A.

The Choice of the People?: Debat- ing the Electoral College.

Lanham, Md.: Rowmanand Littlefield, 1996.Beth, Loren P.

John Marshall Harlan: The Last Whig Justice.

Lexington: University Press of Kentucky,1992.Bickel, Alexander.

The Least Dangerous Branch:The Supreme Court at the Bar of Politics.

NewHaven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1962.

Bickel, Alexander M.

Politics and the Warren Court.

New York: Harper & Row, 1965.Blasi, Vincent.

The Burger Court: The Counter-Revolution That Wasn’t.

New Haven, Conn.: YaleUniversity Press, 1986.Bloom, Allan, ed.

Confronting the Constitution.

Washington, D.C.: AEI Press, 1990.Bork, Robert.

The Tempting of America: The Politi-cal Seduction of the Law.

New York: TouchstoneBooks, 1990.Breyer, Stephen.

Active Liberty: Interpreting Our Democratic Constitution.

New York: Alfred A.Knopf, 2005.Brigham, John.

The Cult of the Court.

Philadelphia:Temple University Press, 1987.Cardozo, Benjamin N.

The Nature of the JudicialProcess.

New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1964.Carter, Dan T.

Scottsboro: A Tragedy of the Ameri-can South.

Rev. ed. Baton Rouge: Louisiana StateUniversity Press, 1979.Chernow, Ron.

Alexander Hamilton.

New York: Pen-guin Press, 2004.Choper, Jesse.

Judicial Review and the NationalPolitical Process: A Functionalist Reconsidera- tion of the Supreme Court,

Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1980.


New York: Hill and Wang, 2000.Clinton, Robert L. Marbury v. Madison

and JudicialReview.

Lawrence: University Press of Kansas,1989.Collier, Christopher.

Decision in Philadelphia: TheConstitutional Convention of 1787.

New York:Ballantine Books, 1987.———.

Roger Sherman’s Connecticut.

Middletown,Conn.: Wesleyan University Press, 1971.Cortner, Richard.

Civil Rights and Public Accom- modations: The Heart of Atlanta Motel andMcClung Cases.

Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 2001.Corwin, Edwin S.

The Higher Law Background of American Constitutional Law.

Ithaca, N.Y.: Cor-nell University Press, 1955.———.

The President: Office and Powers.

5threvised edition. New York: New York University Press, 1989.———.

The Commerce Power Versus States’ Rights.

Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press; Lon-don: H. Milford, Oxford University Press, 1936.Cox, Archibald.

The Court and the Constitution.

Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1987.———.

The Role of the Supreme Court in AmericanGovernment.

New York: Oxford University Press,1976.Currie, David P.

The Constitution in the SupremeCourt: The First Hundred Years, 1789–1888.

Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1985.———.

The Constitution in the Supreme Court: TheSecond Hundred Years,


Chicago:University of Chicago Press, 1990.Curry, Thomas J.

T he First Freedoms: Church andState in America to the Passage of the First Amend- ment.

New York: Oxford University Press, 1986.Cushman, Barry.

Rethinking the New Deal Court:The Structure of a Constitutional Revolution.

New York: Oxford University Press, 1998.Cushman, Clare.

Supreme Court Decisions andWomen’s Rights.

Washington, D.C.: CQ Press,2000.———.

The Supreme Court Justices: IllustratedBiographies, 1789–1995.

Washington, D.C.: Con-gressional Quarterly, 1995.Davis, Michael D., and Hunter R. Clark.

Thur- good Marshall: Warrior at the Bar, Rebel on theBench.

Updated and rev. ed. New York: CitadelPress, 1994.Delgado, Richard, and Jean Stefancic.

Must WeDefend Nazis? Hate Speech, Pornography, and the New First Amendment.

New York: New YorkUniversity Press, 1997.Douglas, William O.

The Court Years 1939–1975.

New York: Random House, 1980.Downs, Donald Alexander.

Nazis in Skokie: Free- dom, Community, and the First Amendment.

South Bend, Ind.: University of Notre DamePress, 1985.Eisler, Kim Isaac.

A Justice for All: William J. Bren- nan, Jr., and the Decisions that Transformed America.

New York: Simon & Schuster, 1993.Elliott, Orrin.

The Tariff Controversy in the U.S.,1789–1833.

Palo Alto, Calif.: Stanford University,1892.
Elsmere, Jane Shaffer.

Justice Samuel Chase.

Mun-cie, Ind.: Janevar Publishing, 1980.Ely, James W., Jr.

The Guardian of Every Other Right: A Constitutional History of PropertyRights.

New York: Oxford University Press,1998.Ely, John Hart.

Democracy and Distrust: A Theoryof Judicial Review.

Cambridge, Mass.: HarvardUniversity Press, 1980.Epstein, Lee, and Joseph F. Kobylka.

The SupremeCourt and Legal Change: Abortion and theDeath Penalty.

Chapel Hill: University of NorthCarolina Press, 1992.Fairman, Charles.

Reconstruction and Reunion:History of the Supreme Court.

New York: Mac-millan, 1971.———.

History of the Supreme Court of the UnitedStates: Reconstruction and Reunion, 1864–88.

New York: Macmillan, 1971.———.

Mr. Justice Miller and the Supreme Court1862–1890.

Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard Univer-sity Press, 1939.Fallon, Richard H., Jr.

The Dynamic Constitution.

New York: Cambridge University Press, 2004.Farrand, Max.

The Records of the Federal Conven- tion of 1787.

New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1966.Fehrenbacher, Don.

The Dred Scott Case: Its Signif- icance in American Law and Politics.

New York:Oxford University Press, 1978.Finkelman, Paul.

African Americans and the Right to Vote.

New York: Garland, 1992.Fireside, Harvey.

Plessy v. Ferguson: Separate butEqual.

Berkeley Heights, N.J.: Enslow Publishers,1997.Fisher, Louis.

Presidential War Power.

Lawrence:University Press of Kansas, 2004.Fiss, Owen.

The Civil Rights Injunction.

Blooming-ton: Indiana University Press, 1978.Frankfurter, Felix.

The Commerce Clause under Marshall, Taney and Waite.

Chicago: QuadrangleBooks, 1964.———.

Mr. Justice Holmes and the Supreme Court.

1938. 2d ed. Harvard, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1961.———.

Felix Frankfurter Reminisces.

New York:Doubleday, 1962.Friendly, Fred W.

Minnesota Rag: The DramaticStory of the Landmark Court Case that Gave New Meaning to Freedom of the Press.

New York:Random House, 1981.Fuess, Claude M.

Daniel Webster.

2 vols. Boston:Little, Brown, 1930; reprinted, 1968.Furer, Howard B.

The Fuller Court, 1888–1910.

Danbury, Conn.: Grolier Educational, 1995.Garrow, David J.

Liberty & Sexuality: The Right to Privacy and the Making of

Roe v. Wade. NewYork: Macmillan, 1994.Gillman, Howard.

The Constitution Besieged: TheRise and Demise of Lochner Era Police Powers Jurisprudence.

Chicago: University of ChicagoPress, 1993.Gottlieb, Stephen E.

Morality Imposed: TheRehnquist Court and Liberty in America.

NewYork: New York University Press, 2000.Graber, Mark, and Michael Perhac, eds.

Marbury ver- sus Madison.

Washington, D.C.: CQ Press, 2002.Greenberg, Jack.

Crusaders in the Courts: Howa Dedicated Band of Lawyers Fought for theCivil Rights Revolution.

New York: Basic Books,1994.Gross, Robert A., ed.

In Debt to Shays: The Bicen- tennial of an Agrarian Rebellion.

Charlottesville:University of Virginia Press, 1993.Gunther, Gerald.

Learned Hand: The Man and the Judge.

New York: Knopf, 1994.———.

John Marshall’s Defense of

McCulloch v.Maryland. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1969.Haines, Charles Grove.

The Role of the SupremeCourt in American Government and Politics,1789–1835.

New York: Russell & Russell, 1960.Hall, Kermit L.

The Magic Mirror: Law in Ameri-can History.

New York: Oxford University Press,1989.Hasen, Richard.

The Supreme Court and Election Law: Judging Equality from Baker v. Carr toBush v. Gore.

New York: NYU Books, 2003.Henkin, Louis.

Foreign Affairs and the UnitedStates Constitution.

Oxford: Clarendon Press,1996.———.

Constitutionalism, Democracy, and Foreign Affairs.

New York: Columbia University Press,1990.
Heumann, Milton, and Lance Cassak.

Good Cop,Bad Cop: Racial Profiling and Competing Viewsof Justice.

New York: Peter Lang, 2003.Higginbotham, A. Leon.

Shades of Freedom: RacialPolitics and Presumptions of the American LegalProcess.

New York: Oxford University Press, 1996.Hitchcock, James.

The Supreme Court and Religion in American Life.

Vol. 1:

The Odyssey of the Reli- gion Clauses.

Princeton, N.J.: Princeton Univer-sity Press, 2004.Hobson, Charles F.

The Great Chief Justice: JohnMarshall and the Rule of Law.

Lawrence: Uni- versity of Kansas Press, 1996.Hofstadter, Richard.

The Age of Reform: From Bryan to F.D.R.

New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1955.Hofstadter, Richard, ed.

The Progressive Movement(1900–1915).

Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1963.Holmes, Oliver W., Jr.

The Common Law,

ed. MarkDeWolfe Howe. Boston: Little Brown, 1963.Howard, J. Woodford.

Mr. Justice Murphy: A Politi-cal Biography,

Princeton, N.J.: Princeton Univer-sity Press, 1968.Hughes, Charles Evans.

The Supreme Court of theUnited States.

New York: Columbia University Press, 1938.Hurst, James Willard.

The Law of Treason in theUnited States: Collected Essays.

Westport, Conn.:Greenwood, 1978.Hutchison, Dennis.

The Man Who Once WasWhizzer White: A Portrait of Justice Byron R.White.

New York: Free Press, 1998.Jeffries, John C., Jr.

Justice Lewis F. Powell, Jr.

NewYork: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1994.Johnson, John W. Griswold v. Connecticut:

BirthControl and the Constitutional Right of Privacy.

Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 2005.———.

The Struggle for Student Rights.

Lawrence:University Press of Kansas, 1997.Kahn, Paul.

The Reign of Law:

Marbury v. Madison

and the Construction of America.

New Haven,Conn.: Yale University Press, 1997.Kahn, Ronald.

The Supreme Court and Constitu- tional Theory.

Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 1994.Kalman, Laura.

Abe Fortas: A Biography.

NewHaven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1990.Kalven, Harvey.

A Worthy Tradition: Freedom of Speech in America.

New York: Harper and Row,1988.Kaplan, Lincoln.

The Tenth Justice: The Solicitor General and the Rule of Law.

New York: VintageBooks, 1987.Kelly, Alfred H., Winfred A. Harbison, and HermanBelz.

The American Constitution: Its Originsand Development.

2 vols. New York: W.W. Nor-ton, 1991.Kens, Paul.

Justice Stephen Field: Shaping Liberty from the Gold Rush to the Gilded Age.

La wrence:University Press of Kansas, 1997.Kerber, Linda K.

No Constitutional Right to Be Ladies: Women and the Obligations of Citi- zenship

New York: New York University Press,1983.Killenbeck, Mark Robert.

McCulloch v. Maryland:Securing a Nation.

Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 2006.Klarman, Michael J.

From Jim Crow to Civil Rights:The Supreme Court and the Struggle for RacialEquality.

New York: Oxford University Press,2004.Kluger, R.

Simple Justice: The History of

Brown v.Board of Education

and Black America’s Strug- gle for Equality.

New York: Knopf, 1975.Krieger, Linda Hamilton, ed.

Backlash against the ADA: Reinterpreting Disability Rights.

AnnArbor: University of Michigan Press, 2003.Kutler, Stanley.

Judicial Power and ReconstructionPolitics.

Chicago: University of Chicago Press,1968.LaFave, Wayne R., Jerold H. Israel, and Nancy J. King.

Criminal Procedure.

St. Paul, Minn.:Thomson/West, 2004.Langran, Robert W.

The Supreme Court: A ConciseHistory.

New York: Peter Lang, 2004.Latham, Frank Brown.

The Great Dissenter: JohnMarshall Harlan, 1833–1911,

New York: CowlesBook Company, 1970.Leuchtenburg, William E.

The Supreme CourtReborn: The Constitutional Revolution in the Age of Roosevelt.

New York: Oxford University Press, 1995.Lewis, Anthony.

Gideon’s Trumpet.

New York: Ran-dom House, 1964.

Lutz, Donald S. “Connecticut.” In

Ratifying theConstitution,

ed. Michael Allen Gillespie andMichael Lienesch. Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 1989.Malcolm, Joyce Lee.

To Keep and Bear Arms: TheOrigins of an Anglo-American Right.

Cambridge,Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1994.Maltese, John Anthony.

The Selling of SupremeCourt Nominees.

Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Uni- versity Press, 1995.Marcus, Maeva.

Truman and the Steel Seizure Case:The Limits of Presidential Power.

Durham, N.C.:Duke University Press, 1994.Margolis, Lawrence.

Executive Agreements andPresidential Power in Foreign Policy.

New York:Praeger, 1985.Mason, Alpheus Thomas.

Harlan Fiske Stone: Pillar of the Law.

New York: Viking Press, 1956.Mayer, Kenneth R.

With the Stroke of a Pen: Execu- tive Orders and Presidential Power.

Princeton,N.J.: Princeton University Press, 2001.McCann, Michael W.

Rights at Work: Pay EquityReform and the Politics of Legal Mobilization.

Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1994.McClellan, James.

Joseph Story and the AmericanConstitution.

Norman: University of OklahomaPress, 1990.McKitrick, Eric.

Andrew Johnson and Reconstruc- tion.

New York: Oxford University Press, 1988.Mezey, Susan Gluck.

Elusive Equality: Women’sRights, Public Policy, and the Law.

Boulder,Colo.: Lynne Rienner, 2003.Millis, Harry A.

From the Wagner Act to Taft-Hart-ley.

Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1950.Morris, Richard Brandon.

John Jay, the Nation, and the Court.

Boston: Boston University Press, 1967.Muir, William K., Jr.

Prayer in Public Schools: Lawand Attitude Change.

Chicago: University of Chi-cago Press, 1967.Murdoch, Joyce, and Deb Price.

Courting Justice:Gay Men and Lesbians v. the Supreme Court.

New York: Basic Books, 2001.Murphy, Bruce Allen.

Wild Bill: The Legend and Life of William O. Douglas.

New York: RandomHouse, 2003.Murphy, Paul L.

The Constitution in Crisis Times,1918–1969.

New York: Harper and Row, 1972.Nelson, William. Marbury v. Madison:

The Originsand Legacy of Judicial Review.

Lawrence: Uni- versity Press of Kansas, 2000.Nowak, John E., and Ronald D. Rotunda.

Principlesof Constitutional Law.

St. Paul, Minn.: Thomson West, 2005.Onuf, Peter S.

Statehood and Union: A History of the Northwest Ordinance.

Bloomington: IndianaUniversity Press, 1987.Orfield, Gary, and Susan E. Eaton.

DismantlingDesegregation: The Quiet Reversal of

Brown v.Board of Education. New York: Free Press, 1996.Pacelle, Richard L., Jr.

The Transformation of theSu preme Court’s Agenda.

Boulder, Colo.: West- view Press, 1991.Pederson, William D., and Norman W. Provizer.

Leaders of the Pack: Polls & Case Studies of Great Supreme Court Justices.

New York: PeterLang, 2003.Perry, H. W., Jr.

Deciding to Decide: Agenda Setting in the United States Supreme Court.

Cambridge,Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1991.Peters, Shawn Francis.

The Yoder Case: ReligiousFreedom, Education, and Parental Rights.

Law-rence: University Press of Kansas, 2003.Pound, Roscoe.

The Formative Era of American Law,

Gloucester, Mass.: Peter Smith, 1938.Pringle, Henry F.

Life and Times of William How-ard Taft.

2 vols. Hamden, Conn.: Shoe StringPress, 1965.Pritchett, Charles Herman.

The Roosevelt Court: AStudy in Judicial Politics and Values, 1937–1947.

New York: Macmillan, 1948.Provine, Doris Marie.

Case Selection in the UnitedStates Supreme Court.

Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1980.Pusey, Merlo L.

Charles Evans Hughes.

2 vols. NewYork: Macmillan, 1951.Rakove, Jack N.

Original Meanings: Politics andIdeas in the Making of the Constitution.

NewYork: Knopf, 1997.Reagan, Leslie J.

When Abortion Was a Crime:Women, Medicine, and Law in the United States,1867–1973.

Berkeley: University of CaliforniaPress, 1997.Rehnquist, William H.

The Supreme Court: How ItWas, How It Is.

New York: Quill, 1987.

Remini, Robert V.

Daniel Webster: The Man and HisTime.

New York: Norton, 1997.Richards, Leonard.

Shays’s Rebellion: The Ameri-can Revolution’s Final Battle.

Philadelphia: Uni- versity of Pennsylvania Press, 2002.Rosenberg, Gerald N.

The Hollow Hope: Can CourtsBring About Social Change?

Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1991.Ross, William G.

The Chief Justiceship of CharlesEvans Hughes, 1930–1941.

Columbia: University of South Carolina Press, 2007.Russomanno, Joseph.

Speaking Our Minds: Conver- sations with the People Behind Landmark First Amendment Cases.

Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erl-baum Associates, 2002.Ryden, David K.

The U.S. Supreme Court and theElectoral Process.

Washington, D.C.: George-town University Press, 2002.Salokar, Rebecca Mae.

The Solicitor General: ThePolitics of Law.

Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1992.Savage, David G.

Turning Right: The Making of the Rehnquist Supreme Court.

New York: John Wiley, 1992.Saxton, Alexander.

The Indispensable Enemy: Labor and the Anti-Chinese Movement in California.

Berkeley: University of California Press, 1975.Scalia, Antonin.

A Matter of Interpretation: FederalCourts and the Law.

Princeton, N.J.: PrincetonUniversity Press, 1997.Scher, Richard K., et al.

Voting Rights and Democ-racy: The Law and Politics of Districting.

Chi-cago: Nelson-Hall Publishers, 1997.Schneider, Elizabeth M.

Battered Women and Fem- inist Lawmaking.

New Haven, Conn.: Yale Uni- versity Press, 2000.Schultz, David A., and Christopher E. Smith.

The Jurisprudential Vision of Justice Antonin Scalia.

Lanham, Md.: Rowman and Littlefield, 1996.Schwartz, Bernard.

The New Right and the Consti- tution: Turning Back the Legal Clock.

Boston:Northeastern University Press, 1990.———.

Super Chief, Earl Warren and his SupremeCourt: A Judicial Biography.

New York: NewYork University Press, 1983.———.

A History of the Supreme Court.

New York:Oxford University Press, 1993.Schwarzenbach, Sybil, and Patricia Smith.

Womenand the Constitution.

New York: Columbia Uni- versity Press, 2004.Scotch, Richard K.

From Good Will to Civil Rights:Transforming Federal Disability Policy.

Philadel-phia: Temple University Press, 1984.Segal, Jeffrey A., and Harold J. Spaeth.

The SupremeCourt and the Attitudinal Model.

New York:Cambridge University Press, 1993.Seidman, Louis Michael.

Constitutional Law: EqualProtection of the Laws.

New York: FoundationPress, 2003.Sickels, Robert J.

John Paul Stevens and the Con- stitution: The Search and the Balance.

Univer-sity Park: Pennsylvania State University Press,1988.Silverstein, Gordon.

Imbalance of Powers.

Oxford:Oxford University Press, 1997.Silverstein, Mark.

Constitutional Faiths: FelixFrankfurter, Hugo Black and the Process of Judi-cial Decision Making.

Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell Uni- versity Press, 1984.Simon, James F.

What Kind of Nation: Thomas Jef- ferson, John Marshall, and the Epic Struggle to Create a United States.

New York: Simon &Schuster, 2003.———.

The Center Holds: The Power StruggleInside the Rehnquist Court.

New York: Simon &Schuster, 1995.Sorenson, Leonard R.

Madison on the “General Wel- fare” of America: His Consistent ConstitutionalVision.

Lanham, Md.: Rowman and Littlefield,1995.Storing, Herbert J.

What the Anti-FederalistsWere For.

Chicago: University of Chicago Press,1981.Strum, Phillippa.

Louis D. Brandeis: Justice for thePeople.

Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1984.Swisher, Carl Brent.

Stephen J. Field: Craftsman of the Law.

Hamden, Conn.: Archon Books, 1963.———.

Roger B. Taney.

New York: Macmillan, 1935.Tribe, Laurence.

Abortion: The Clash of Absolutes.

New York: Norton, 1990.Tribe, Laurence H., and Michael C. Dorf.

On Read- ing the Constitution.

Cambridge, Mass.: HarvardUniversity Press, 1991.

Tushnet, Mark, ed.

The Constitution in Wartime.

Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press, 2005.Urofsky, Melvin I.

Money and Free Speech: Cam- paign Finance Reform and the Courts.

Lawrence:University of Kansas Press, 2005.Uviller, H. Richard, and William G. Merkel.

TheMilitia and the Right to Arms, or, How the Sec-ond Amendment Fell Silent.

Durham, N.C.: DukeUniversity Press, 2002. Vallely, Richard M.

The Two Reconstructions: TheStruggle for Black Enfranchisement.

Chicago:University of Chicago Press, 2004. Walker, Samuel.

Hate Speech: The History of an American Controversy.

Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1994. Walker, Samuel, et al.

The Color of Justice: Race,Ethnicity, and Crime in America.

Belmont,Calif.: Wadsworth, 2000. Warren, Charles.

The Supreme Court in United StatesHistory.

3 vols. Boston: Little, Brown, 1924. Wasby, Stephen L.

The Impact of the United StatesSupreme Court: Some Perspectives.

Homewood,Ill.: Dorsey Press, 1970. White, G. Edward.

The Marshall Court & CulturalChange: 1815–1835.

New York: Oxford Univer-sity Press, 1991.———.

Creating the National Pastime: BaseballTransforms Itself.

Princeton, N.J.: Princeton Uni- versity Press, 1996.———.

The Constitution and the New Deal.

Boston:Harvard University Press, 2000. Wiecek, William.

The Guarantee Clause of the U.S.Constitution.

Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1972. Witte, John, Jr.

Religion and the American Consti- tutional Experiment.

Boulder, Colo.: WestviewPress, 2000. Wood, Gordon.

The Creation of the AmericanRepublic, 1776–1787.

New York: W.W. Norton,1969. Wood, Stephen.

Constitutional Politics and the Pro- gressive Era: Child Labor and the Law.

Chicago:University of Chicago Press, 1968. Woodward, Bob, and Scott Armstrong.

The Breth-ren.

New York: Simon & Schuster, 1979. Woodward. C. Vann.

The Strange Career of JimCrow.

Oxford: New York, 1966. Wormuth, Francis, and Edwin Firmage.

To Chain the Dog of War: The War Powers of Congress inHistory and Law.

2d ed. Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 1989.Yarborough, Tinsley E.

John Marshall Harlan: GreatDissenter of the Warren Court.

New York: OxfordUniversity Press, 1992.Yoo, John.

The Powers of War and Peace: The Con- stitution and Foreign Affairs after 9/11.

Chicago:Chicago University Press, 2005.



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