United States Code Annotated

United States Code Annotated (U.S.C.A.)

Note: See also United States Code Annotated and Annotations, both in the World Encyclopedia of Law. And United States Code Annotated, in the Dictionary of Law.

The United States Code Annotated contains the full text of the U.S. Constitution as well as Federal Rules of Civil and Criminal Procedure, Federal Rules of Evidence, Internal Revenue Code, Court Rules for Federal Trial and Appellate Courts. The United States Code Annotated index is more detailed than that of the United States Code Service. In addition, each United States Code Annotated title has an individual index. The Popular Names Table, located in the back of the last index volume, is helpful in locating statute and/ or code section by title of the Act. United States Code Annotated contains all the same tables previously mentioned in the United States Code description. United States Code Annotated provides more annotations to cases than United States Code Service but not some judicial opinions found in the United States Code Service.

An Unofficial edition

While the U.S.C. (United States Code) (U.S.C) is the official edition of the Code, the U.S.C.A. Code is an unofficial or commercial, more complete, version of the United States Code, together with the United States Code Service (United States Code Service (U.S.C.S.) including the lawyers edition).

All the three editions provide:

  • tables containing parallel references between statutory cites
  • earlier revisions and later texts
  • presidential documents.
  • notes referring to the history of a law after most sections
  • an overall index (usually consisting of several volumes)

Practical Information

See united states code (in U.S. law).

United States Code Annotated (USCA) main titles

In U.S.C.A, the most popular titles are:

  • United States Code Annotated Title 18
  • United States Code Annotated Title 28
  • United States Code Annotated Title 11

United States Code Annotated Online

As publisher of United States Code Annotated, West made available the Code through Westlaw.


While the two commercial editions of the (U.S.) Code contain the same that is published in the United States Code, including annotations to case law relevant to statutory law, there are some differences:

  • United States Code Annotated annotations of cases are sometimes shorter if deemed particularly relevant cases.
  • United States Code Annotated preserves less closely the language and context of the original Statutes at Large text. This also means it deviates more from the text of the U.S. Code.
  • United States Code Annotated are less extensive than United States Code Service’s cross references.
  • United States Code Annotated is often less timely because of the monthly advance service of United States Code Service.

What is United States Code Annotated?

For a meaning of it, read United States Code Annotated in the Legal Dictionary here. Browse and search more U.S. and international free legal definitions and legal terms related to United States Code Annotated.

Legal Materials

Annotated Editions

The annotated editions of the U.S. Code are: the United States Code Annotated (USCA), by Thomson/West; and the United States Code Service(USCS) by LexisNexis. Both sets are excellent.

There are a few important differences between the two annotated Codes, including the following. The USCS follows Statutes at Large, while the USCA follows the official USC. The USCS has a cross-reference table to the CFR; the USCA doesn’t. The USCS includes more cases but the USCA has more annotations per case. The USCS is updated and invoiced monthly, while the USCA is updated and invoiced annually.

The USCA is available on Westlaw (USCA), while the USCS is on Lexis(GENFED;USCS). For more information, see “Fee-based Databases,” below.

For more about the different print versions of the USC, see Using the United States Code.

Fee-Based Databases

The annotated USCS is on Lexis (GENFED;USCS), and the annotated USCA is onWestlaw (USCA). The appropriate format for pulling a section on Lexis is: x uscs x. The format on Westlaw is: x usca x.

Lexis and Westlaw update their online code as new laws are passed; still, there is about a two-month time lag when Congress is in session. Running a Shepard’s or KeyCite report on the relevant section will tell bring you within 10 days of currency. To get even more current, search the bill number of any pending legislation that shows up on the Shepard’s or KeyCite report in a Congressional Record database — e.g., on Westlaw, use the CR database and search with the format: “(HR /10 235 767 1438) & da(after 12/10/200x)”.

You can also find a Popular Name Table at the end of the United States Code Annotated and the United States Code Service, available in print and online through Westlaw (USCA-POP) and Lexis, respectively.

Statutes and Law (International Approach)

See Also

Code of Federal Regulations annotated
Using public records
Uniform Laws and Model Acts
United Stat­es Code with Annotations

Further Reading

Shepard’s Acts and Cased by Popular Names, Federal and State (1986)






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