
Seigniorage in United States

Seigniorage Definition

A royalty or prerogative of the sovereign, whereby an allowance of gold and silver, brought in the mass (according to the definition of Seigniorage based on the The Cyclopedic Law Dictionary) to be exchanged for coin, is claimed. In the United States. The mint charge for coining bullion.

Seigniorage in the Federal Budget Process

Meaning of Seigniorage in the congressional and executive budget processes (GAO source): The difference between the face value of minted circulating coins and the cost of their production, including the cost of metal used in the minting and the cost of transporting the coins to Federal Reserve Banks for distribution to the public. Seigniorage reflects an increase in the value of government assets when coinage metal is converted to a coin whose face value is higher than the cost of the metal. Seigniorage arises from the government’s exercise of its monetary powers. In contrast to receipts from the public, seigniorage involves no corresponding payment by another party. For budget reporting purposes, seigniorage is excluded from receipts and treated as a means of financing a deficit—other than borrowing from the public—or as a supplementary amount that can be applied to reduce debt or to increase the Treasury’s cash. The budget includes an estimate of receipts (offsetting collections) equal to the cost of manufacturing and distributing circulating coins, including a charge for capital. (See also Means of Financing.)

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Legal Issue for Attorneys

A royalty or prerogative of the sovereign, whereby an allowance of gold and silver, brought in the mass to be exchanged for coin, is claimed. In the United States. The mint charge for coining bullion.


See Also

Further Reading

  • Legislatures and the budget process: the myth of fiscal control (J Wehner, 2010)
  • Reconcilable Differences?: Congress, the Budget Process, and the Deficit (JB Gilmour, 1990)
  • Fiscal institutions and fiscal performance(JM Poterba, J von Hagen, 2008)




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