List of United States online legal resources

List of United States online legal resources

The following resources contain the words United States in the title or in the description:

1. A.R.T., surrogacy and legal parentage : a comparative legislative review.
Description This is one of three Occasional Papers published by the Victorian Law Reform Commission as part of the Commission’s work on assisted reproduction and adoption. This Paper examines how laws in the other Australian states, and in the United States, United …

2. Cardiff Index to Legal Abbreviations
Description This free, web-based service allows users to search for the meaning of abbreviations from the United Kingdom, the Commonwealth, the United States and some international publications as well. While the database covers mainly law reports and journals, some …

3. Conflict transformation and peacebuilding: a selected bibliography
Description This bibliography is intended as a starting place for research on conflict resolution, dispute processing, and peacebuilding. It has been compiled from various sources including lists created by instructors, researchers and practitioners from Canada, the …

4. Constitution Society
Description The Constitution Society is a private non-profit organisation dedicated to research and public education on the principles of constitutional republican government. It publishes documentation, engages in litigation, and organises local citizens groups to work …
5. Crime and justice data online
Description United States law enforcement and crime statistics. Crime trends, law enforcement management and administrative statistics from state or local agencies
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6. Criminology Web Sites: an annotated “webliography”
Description An annotated list from the United States which serves as an introduction to the many Web sites devoted to both the prosaic and exotic in the field of criminology. Includes government and commercial sites.

7. Dismissing a President
Description This Research Note has three purposes, namely, to outline the existing arrangement in Australia for terminating the Commission of the Governor-General, the dismissal procedure of the Bipartisan model and the dismissal procedures provided by the republican …

8. Duke environmental law and policy forum
Description Full text articles on a range of environmental issues. Bias is towards United States law, though some more international material. Student coordinated but includes articles from university academics. Full text available from Fall 1996.

Description is the effort of seventeen countries, including the United States, to respond to multinational Internet fraud and to build consumer confidence in global e-commerce while enhancing consumer protection. Information on consumer protection in member …

10. Federal Bureau of Investigation
Description The web page of the FBI, the principal investigative arm of the United States Department of Justice. Includes FAQs, Most Wanted lists, Terrorism links, Uniform Crime Reports, and information on major investigations.

11. Federal Communications Commission
Description The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is an independent United States government agency, directly responsible to Congress. The FCC was established by the Communications Act of 1934 and is charged with regulating interstate and international …

12. Federal Court of Australia Native Title Infobase
Description The Native Title Infobase includes selected material commencing from 1839 to the present day and covers all aspects of native title. It gives reference to Australian material including journal articles, book chapters, books, conference papers, reports and …

13. Feminist jurisprudence: 19th Amendment , 14th Amendment, Proposed Equal Rights Amendment (not ratified)
Description Amendments to the US Constitution. Amendment XIX: The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of sex. Amendment XIV: All persons born or naturalized in the United States, …

14. FindLaw
Description A very comprehensive directory of links to United States constitutional law

15. Findlaw Library Subjects: Employment law
Description A database of links to fulltext documents in the fields of United States labor employment law

16. Flare index to treaties
Description The Index includes entries for all the treaties and conventions in force now concluded by or under the auspices of the: Council of Europe (CETS series) International Labour Organisation (ILO C series) Organisation of American States (OAS) And a selection …

17. Fordham Environmental Law Journal
Description Abstracts of articles from 1989. Explores a broad range of United States and international environmental issues ranging from the regulation of air, water, and soil pollution, to social policy issues such as corporate responsibility and environmental racism.

18. Freedom of political communication, the Constitution and the common law
Description Examines the right of political communication (free speech) in both constitutional and common law areas and compares the situation with the United States Constitution

19. Hieros Gamos
Description A directory of links to mainly United States constitutional law information with a few links to other countries

20. Human Rights Internet
Description Founded in 1976, HRI is a leader in the exchange of information within the worldwide human rights community. Launched in the United States, HRI has its headquarters in Ottawa, Canada. From Ottawa, HRI communicates by phone, fax, mail and the Internet with …

Note: Hyperlinks are not provided because they may contain a citation to an online source which could no longer be accessed in a future legal research. Cited webpages may also change, and therefore users would read something different than what the citing author saw. Learn more about the risk of inactive or unavailable internet references presents
to future legal research, in the entry about Online Citation.

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This entry will follow in List of United States online legal resources 2



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