Investment treaty law and arbitration reports

Investment treaty law and arbitration reports in the United States



USCIB, “New ICC Foreign Investment Guidelines Define Investor and Government Roles”, online: (21 April 2012) USCIB ().

USCIB, “USCIB Applauds U.S.-EU Investment Principles”, online: (10 April 2012) USCIB ().

UNCTAD, “Fair and Equitable Treatment” UNCTAD Series on Issues in International Investment Agreements II, online: (2012) UNCTAD ().

UNCTAD, “Latest Developments in Investor State Dispute Settlement” IIA Issues Note No. 1, April 2012, online: (2012) UNCTAD ().
Draft Report on the Future European International Investment Policy, 20 December 2010, ()

UK Government White Paper on Trade and Investment “Trade and Investment for Growth”. February 2011, ()

UNCTAD, “Denunciation of the ICSID Convention and BITs: Impact on Investor-State Claims”, (December 2010) IIA Issues Note No. 2, online: UNCTAD, ()

UNCTAD, Investor State Disputes: Prevention and Alternatives to Arbitration (United Nations, 2010), ()

UNCTAD, Scope and Definition, UNCTAD Series on Issues in International Investment
Agreements II (2011), ()

UNCTAD, Latest Developments in Investor State Dispute Settlement, IIA Issues Note No. 1, March 2011, ()
Sarah Anderson et al, “Mining for Profits in International Tribunals”, online: (November 2011) Institute for Policy Studies ().

Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, “Gillard Government Trade Policy Statement: Trading our way to more jobs and prosperity”, online: (April 2011) Australian DFAT ().

Susan D. Franck & Anna Joubin-Bret, eds., “Investor-State Disputes: Prevention and Alternatives to Arbitration II” (United Nations, 2011), online: (2011) UNCTAD ().

UNCTAD, “Investment for development: current policy challenges. Note by the UNCTAD secretariat”, Multi-year Expert Meeting on Investment for Development, Fourth Session, Geneva, 5-6 December 2011, online: (2011) UNCTAD ().


Cotula, Lorenzo. Investment contracts and sustainable development: How to make contracts for fairer and more sustainable natural resource investments (International Institute for Environment and Development, 2010).

Peterson, Luke Eric and Garland, Ross. Bilateral Investment Treaties and Land Reform in Southern Africa, (International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development, 2010), available on-line at:

Ruggie, John. Report of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on the issue of human rights and transnational corporations and other business enterprises, UN HRC, 14th Sess. (2010). Available at

UNCTAD. Latest Developments in Investor-State Dispute Settlement, IIA Issues Note No. 1 (2010). Available at
Ahmed, Kamil and Din Eshanov. “The Expectations of Developed Countries from the International Investment Regime” .

Alvarez, Jose E. “Meador Lecture Series 2007-2008: Empire. Contemporary foreign investment law: an “empire of law” or the “law of empire”?” 60 Ala. L. Rev. 943-975 (2009).

Anderson, Rachel. “Toward Global Corporate Citizenship: Reframing Foreign Direct Investment Law” (2009) Michigan State University College of Law Journal of International Law. .

Audit, Mathias. “Is the erecting of barriers against sovereign wealth funds compatible with international investment law?” Journal of world investment and trade 10 (4, 2009). Baetens, Freya. “The Oxford Handbook of International Investment Law” Eur J Int Law 2009 20: 939-942.

Belz, Matthew. “Comment. Provisional application of the Energy Charter Treaty: Kardassopoulos v. Georgia and improving provisional application in multilateral treaties. (Kardassopoulos v. Georgia, ICSID (W. Bank) case no. ARB/05/18, 2007.)” (2008) 22 Emory Int’l L. Rev. 727-760.

Bjorklund, Andrea K. “The emerging civilization of investment arbitration” 113 Penn St. L. Rev. 1269-1299 (2009).

Chalamish, Efraim. “The future of bilateral investment treaties: a de facto multilateral agreement?” (2009) 34 Brook. J. Int’l L. 303-354.

Chandler, Aaron M. BITs, MFN treatment and the PRC: the impact of China’s ever-evolving bilateral investment treaty practice. 43 Int’l Law. 1301-1310 (2009).

Chen, An and Dong Chen. “What should be China’s strategic position in the establishment of new international economic order? With comments on Neo-Liberalistic Economic Order, Constitutional Order of the WTO and Economic Nationalism’s Disturbance of Globalization” (2009) 10(3) Journal of world investment and trade.

Collins, David. “Reliance remedies at the International Center for the Settlement of Investment Disputes” (2009) 29 Nw. J. Int’l L. & Bus. 195-216.

Colon-Ries, Joel and Martin Hevia. “Review Essay: What Makes the International Investment Rules Regime Undemocratic?” German Law Journal, Vol. 10, No. 8, pp. 1309-1320, August 2009.

Congyan, Cai. “China-US BIT Negotiations and the Future of Investment Treaty Regime: A Grand Bilateral Bargain with Multilateral Implications” (2009) 12 J Int Economic Law, 457-506.

Cooke, Jennifer. “Note. Finding the right balance for sovereign wealth fund regulation: open investment vs. national security” (2009)Colum. Bus. L. Rev. 728-783.

Desierto, Dian Alferez. “Necessity and Supplementary Means of Interpretation of Non-Precluded Measures in Bilateral Investment Treaties” University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Law, Forthcoming. .

Falsafi, Alireza. “Regional Trade and Investment Agreements: Liberalizing Investment in a Preferential Climate” (2008) 36 Syracuse J. Int’l L. & Com. 43-85.

Francioni, Francesco. “Access to Justice, Denial of Justice and International Investment Law” Eur J Int Law 2009 20: 729-74.

Franck, Susan D. “Development and outcomes of investment treaty arbitration” 50 Harv. Int’l L.J. 435-489 (2009). Gillman, Eric. The end of investor-state arbitration in Ecuador? An analysis of Article 422 of the Constitution of 2008. 19 Am. Rev. Int’l Arb. 269-299 (2008).

Grigoriadis, Theocharis N. “State responsibility and antitrust in the Energy Charter Treaty: socialization vs. liberalization in bilateral investment relations” (2008) 44 Tex. Int’l L.J. 45-64.

Goméz, Ana Ktai Fach. “Environmental Protection and International Trade: Greening the Investment Arbitration?” .

Haugeneder , Florian. “Corruption in investor-state arbitration” (2009) 10(3) Journal of world investment and trade.

Heymann, Monika C.E. “International Law and the Settlement of Investment Disputes Relating to China” (2008) 11(3) Journal of International Economic Law 507-526.

Hiscock, Mary E. “The emerging legal concept of investment” 27 Penn St. Int’l L. Rev. 765-782 (2009).

Iqbal, Badar Alam and Farha Naz Ghauri. “Impact of global financial crisis on FDI Inflows (2009) 10(3) Journal of World Investment and Trade.

Jagusch, Stephen and Nicole Duclos. “Compensation for the breach of relative standards of treaty protection” Journal of World Investment and Trade 10 (4, 2009).

Jenkins, Peter. “Virtual Worlds as a New Game Theoretic Model for International Law: The Case of Bilateral Investment Treatie” SCRIPTed, Vol. 6, No. 1, 2009. .

Kaushal, Asha. “Note. Revisiting history: how the past matters for the present backlash against the foreign investment regime” 50 Harv. Int’l L.J. 491-534 (2009).

Kingsbury, Benedict and Stephen Schill. “Investor-State Arbitration as Governance: Fair and Equitable Treatment, Proportionality and the Emerging Global Administrative Law” NYU School of Law, Public Law Research Paper No. 09-46. .

Kirtley, William Lawton. “The transfer of treaty claims and treaty-shopping in investor-state disputes analysis” (2009) 10(3) Journal of world investment and trade.

Krawiec, Daniel A. “Sempra Energy International v. the Argentine Republic: reaffirming the rights of foreign investors to the protection of ICSID arbitration” (2009) 15 Law & Bus. Rev. Am. 311-337.

Kurtz, Jürgen. “The Use and Abuse of WTO Law in Investor-State Arbitration: Competition and its Discontents” Eur J Int Law 2009 20: 749-771.

Magraw, Daniel Barstow Jr. and Niranjali Manel Amerasinghe. “Transparency and public participation in investor-state arbitration” 15 ILSA J. Int’l & Comp. L. 337-360 (2009).

Mayeda, Graham. “International Investment Agreements between Developed and Developing Countries: Dancing with the Devil Case Comment on the Vivendi, Sempra and Enron Awards” (2008) 4(2) McGill International Journal of Sustainable Development Law and Policy, 189-232.

Mayeda, Graham. “Investing in Development: The Role of Democracy and Accountability in International Investment Law” Alberta Law Review, Vol. 46, No. 6, 2009. .

McArthur, Kathleen S. and Pablo A. Ormachea. “International investor-state arbitration: an empirical analysis of ICSID decisions on jurisdiction” (2009) 28 Rev. Litig. 559-594.

Miki, Koichi. Investment treaties and investor-state arbitration: the Japanese perspective. 19 Am. Rev. Int’l Arb. 301-308 (2008).

Mistelis, Loukas A. and Crina Mihaela Baltag “Denial of benefits and Article 17 of the Energy Charter Treaty” 113 Penn St. L. Rev. 1301-1321 (2009).

Moloo, Rahim and Alex Khachaturian. “Foreign Investment in a post-conflict environment” (2009) 10(3) Journal of world investment and trade.

Park, William W. “Arbitrator Integrity: The Transient and the Permanent”, 46 San Diego Law Review, No.3, (2009)

Patel, Minal, et al. “International investment and development” 43 Int’l Law. 589-604 (2009).

Ripinsky, Sergey. “Global Economic Crisis and the Danger of Protectionism: Does International Law Help?” Amsterdam Law Forum, Vol. 1, No. 3, 2009. .

Roberts, Anthea. “Power and Persuasion in Investment Treaty Interpretation: The Dual Role of States” American Journal of International Law, Vol. 104, 2010. .

Rosario and Ajayi, “Investments in Sub Saharan Africa: The Role of International Arbitration in Dispute Settlement” .

Savarese, Eduardo. “BIT clauses bearing on the ratione temporis jurisdiction of ICSID Tribunals. A survey on the constituent elements of investor-state legal disputes under BITs” Journal of world investment and trade 10 (4, 2009).

Schill, Stephan W. “Most-favored-nation clauses as a basis of jurisdiction in investment treaty arbitration—arbitral jurisprudence at a crossroads” (2009) 10:2 Journal of world investment and trade.

Song, Nicholas. Between Scylla and Charybdis: can a plea of necessity offer safe passage to states in responding to an economic crisis without incurring liability to foreign investors? 19 Am. Rev. Int’l Arb. 235-267 (2008).

Sothmann, Stephen. “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone: foreign direct investment and national security regulation in China” (2009) 19 Ind. Int’l & Comp. L. Rev. 203-231.

Stoehr, Jacob. Note. A question of sovereignty, development, and natural resources: a new standard for binding third party nonsignatory governments to arbitration. 66 Wash. & Lee L. Rev. 1409-1446 (2009).

Tietje Christian, Carsten Nowrot and Clemens Wackernagel. “Once and Forever? The Legal Effects of a Denunciation of ICSID” .

Travalini, Joanna Rubin. “Comment. Foreign direct investment in the United States: achieving a balance between national economy benefits and national security interests” 29 Nw. J. Int’l L. & Bus. 779-799 (2009).

Vadi, Valentina Sara. “Investing in culture: underwater cultural heritage and international investment law” (2009) 42 Vand. J. Transnat’l L. 853-904 (2009).

Vadi, Valentina Sara. “Fragmentation or cohesion? Investment versus cultural protection rules” Journal of world investment and trade 10 (4, 2009).

Vadi, Valentina Sara. “Trade Mark Protection, Public Health and International Investment Law: Strains and Paradoxes” Eur J Int Law 2009 20: 773-803.

van Aaken, Anne. International Investment Law Between Commitment and Flexibility: A Contract Theory Analysis (2009) 12 J Int Economic Law 2009 507-538.

van Aaken, Anne and Jurgen Kurtz. “Prudence or Discrimination? Emergency Measures, the Global Financial Crisis and International Economic Law” (2009) 12 J Int Economic Law 2009 859-894.

Vincentelli, Ignacio. “The Uncertain Future of ICSID in Latin Amercica”. .

Vanduzer, Anthony. “Foreign Investment and Development: The Role of Domestic Policy and International Investment Agreements”. The Commonwealth Finance Ministers Reference Report 2008 (London, Commonwealth Secretariat, 2008). .

Van Harten, Gus. “Policy Impacts of Investment Agreements for Andean Community States” .

Van Harten, Gus. “Investment Provisions in Economic Partnership Agreements” .

Wehland, Hanno. “Intra-EU investment agreements and arbitration: is European Community law an obstacle?” (2009) 58 Int’l & Comp. L.Q. 297-320.

Werner Jacques . “Revisiting the necessity concept” 10 (4, 2009) Journal of world investment and trade.

Yackee, Jason Webb. “Pacta sunt servanda and state promises to foreign investors before bilateral investment treaties: myth and reality” 32 Fordham Int’l L.J. 1550-1613 (2009).

Yalkin, Tolga Raymond. “Legitimate Expectations: As Understood by International Investment Tribunals” . Yalkin, Tolga Raymond, “International Investment Arbitration: Poisoned at the Root?” BIICL 2009 Annual Conference on Business and Law. .

Zongwe, Dunia Prince. “The Contribution of Campbell v. Zimbabwe to the Foreign Investment Law on Expropriations”, CLPE Research Paper No. 50/2009. .


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