
Currency in United States

Currency Definition

Coin, or such bank notes as pass freely in commercial transactions and regarded nearly equivalent to coin. “Currency,” In its broad and comprehensive meaning, may be properly used with reference to things of different values, when applied to the medium of exchange of property, but so used does not necessarily mean cash, but is equally applicable to anything which is used as a circulating medium, and is generally accepted in trade as a representative of values of property.  Currency is the value of cash, and excludes the idea of depreciated paper money. 30 111. 403. Current money (g. v.) (This definition of Currency is based on The Cyclopedic Law Dictionary).

Legal Information Currency

“The more current legal information on a website relates directly to its users’ increased reliance on the website. (…) Currency of information is more analogous to updating legal information.

While many publishers allow the legal information published in their print resources to be available on their websites free of charge, they often set up moving walls, making current issues unavailable for a few years in order to protect the economic sustainability of print materials (See e.g., The Moving Wall, JSTOR). This sometimes makes us assume that the online resources are not frequently updated.

Moving walls, however, usually apply to legal journals and articles. Many government and court websites update the primary legal sources such as cases, statutes, regulations, administrative decisions, legal forms, etc. For example, administrative forms need to be a good example that show official internet websites provide the most current and reliable forms such as immigration forms by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. (…)

Just as it is important to contain the most current information on the websites, it is also important to indicate how current the information contained in a website is in order to help users to decide the reliability of legal information provided. Users need to decide whether they need to use separate updating tools like Shepard’s
Citation Service or KeyCite.” (1)

Currency in Foreign Legal Encyclopedias

For starting research in the law of a foreign country:

Link Description
Currency Currency in the World Legal Encyclopedia.
Currency Currency in the European Legal Encyclopedia.
Currency Currency in the Asian Legal Encyclopedia.
Currency Currency in the UK Legal Encyclopedia.
Currency Currency in the Australian Legal Encyclopedia.

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  1. Jootaek Lee (2012) “Gatekeepers of Legal Information: Evaluating and Integrating Free Internet Legal Resources into the Classroom,” Barry Law Review: Vol. 17: Iss. 2, Article 3

Further Reading

Ecu in the International Business Landscape

Definition of Ecu in the context of U.S. international business and public trade policy: A basket of EU currencies that serves as the unit of account for the EMS.



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