Agreement for Controlling the Desert Locust in the Eastern Region of its Distribution Area in South-West Asia

Agreement for Controlling the Desert Locust in the Eastern Region of its Distribution Area in South-West Asia in the United States

Article I


1. The Members of the Commission for Controlling the Desert
Locust in the Eastern Region of its Distribution Area in
South-West Asia (hereinafter referred to as “the Commission”)
shall be such Member Nations and Associate Members of the
Organization situated in the Region defined in the Preamble as
accept this Agreement in accordance with the provisions of
Article XV of this Agreement.

2. The Commission may, by a two-thirds majority of its Members,
admit to membership such other States, situated in the Region
that are Members of the United Nations, any of its Specialized
Agencies or the International Atomic Energy Agency, as have
submitted an application for membership of the Commission and a
declaration made in a formal instrument that they accept this
Agreement as in force at the time of admission.

Article II


1. Members undertake to maintain through the Secretary of the
Commission a regular exchange of information on the current
locust situation and the progress of control campaigns within
their countries, and also to transmit such information regularly
to the Desert Locust Information Service in London, in the light
of the Agreement between the Organization and the Anti-Locust
Research Center.

2. Members undertake to carry out all possible measures to
control plagues of the Desert Locust within their countries and
to reduce crop damage by adopting at least the following esential

a) maintaining a permanent locust information and reporting

b) maintaining an adequate permanent locust control service;

c) holding reserves of insecticides and application equipment;

d) encouraging and supporting such training, survey and research
work, including where appropriate the maintenance of national
research stations for the study of the Desert Locust, as may be
considered desirable by the Commission and as are compatible with
the resources of the country;

e) participating in the implementation of any common policy of
locust control or prevention which may be approved by the

f) facilitating the storage of any items of antilocust equipment
and insecticides held by the Commission and permitting the
duty-free import or export without hindrance of such goods and
equipment as well as the free movement within the country of such
goods and equipment;

g) providing the Commission with any information it may request
to carry out its functions effectively.

3. Members undertake to submit to the Commission periodic reports
on the action taken to fulfil the obligations specified in
paragraphs l and 2 above.

Article III


1. The seat of the Commission shall be determined by the

2. Sessions of the Commission shall normally be held at its seat.
Sessions may, however, be convened elsewhere, in consultation
with the Director-General of the Organization, in pursuance of a
decision of the Commission at a previous session, or, in
exceptional circumstances, of a decision by the Executive

Article IV


The following shall be the functions of the Commission:
1. Joint Action and Assistance

The Commission shall.

a) plan and implement joint action for the survey and control of
the Desert Locust in the Region wherever required and, to this
effect, arrange means whereby adequate resources can be made

b) assist and promote, in any manner which it considers
appropriate, any national, regional or international action
relating to the control or survey of the Desert Locust;

c) determine, in consultation with the Members concerned, the
nature and extent of assistance needed by such Members for
implementing their national programme and for supporting regional

d) assist, at the request of any Member whose territory is faced
with Desert Locust situations beyond the capacity of its national
services to control and survey, in any measures jointly agreed to
that may become necessary;

e) maintain at strategic localities determined by the Commission,
in consultation with the Members concerned, reserves of
anti-locust equipment, insecticides and other supplies, to be
used in cases of emergency in accordance with decisions of the
Executive Committee including supplementing of the national
resources of any Member.

2. Information and Co-ordination

The Commission shall:

a) ensure that all Members are provided with current information
in regard to Desert Locust infestations, and collect and
disseminate information on experience gained, research conducted
and programs adopted on the national regional and international
levels in connection with the control of the Desert Locust;

b) assist the national research organizations of Members and
co-ordinate research in the Region by arranging visits of
research and survey units and other appropriate means.

3. Co-operation
The Commission may:

a) enter into arrangements or agreements, through the
Director-General of the Organization, with nations in the Region
that are not Members of the United Nations, for common action in
connection with survey and control of locusts in the Region;

b) enter into or encourage arrangements, through the
Director-General, with other United Nations Specialized Agencies
or other international organizations concerned, for common action
on the study and control of locusts and for the mutual exchange
of information on problems concerning locusts.

4. Administrative matters

The Commission shall:

a) consider and approve the report of the Executive Committee on
the activities of the Commission, the Programme and Budget of the
Commission for the ensuing financial period, and the annual

b) keep the Director-General of the Organization fully informed
of its activities and transmit to him the accounts, the Programme
and the Budget of the Commission, the latter for submission to
the Council of the Organization prior to implementation.

c) transmit to the Director-General the reports and
recommendations of the Commission, for such action by the Council
or Conference of the Organization as may be appropriate.

Article V


1. Each Member of the Commission shall be represented at sessions
of the Commission by a delegate who may be accompanied by an
alternate and by experts and advisers. Alternates, experts and
advisers may take part in the proceedings of the Commission but
may not vote unless authorized by the delegate to substitute for

2. A majority of the Members of the Commission shall constitute a
quorum. Each Member shall have one vote. Decisions of the
Commission shall be taken by a majority of the votes cast except
as otherwise provided for in this Agreement.

3. A Member which is in arrears in the payment of its financial
contributions to the Commission shall have no vote if the amount
of its arrears equals or exceeds the amount of the Contributions
due from it for the two preceding financial years.

4. The Commission shall elect, at the beginning of each regular
session, a Chairman and a Vice-Chairman from amongst the
delegates. These Officers shall hold office until the beginning
of the next regular session and shall be eligible for

5. The Director-General of the Organization in consultation with
the Chairman of the Commission shall convene a regular session of
the Commission at least once a year. Special sessions may be
convened by the Director-General in consultation with the
Chairman of the Commission, if so requested by the Commission in
regular session or by at least one third of the Members during
intervals between regular session.

6. The Director-General of the Organization or a representative
designated by him shall have the right to participate without
vote in all meetings of the Commission or its subsidiary bodies.



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